At Scorchsoft, we are committed to maintaining the highest standards of integrity and corporate social responsibility. Our mission not only involves delivering exceptional technology solutions but also ensuring that our work aligns with the ethical values shared by our team and our clients. As part of this commitment, there are specific categories of projects that Scorchsoft will not undertake.

Excluded Project Categories

Here are the categories of projects we exclude from consideration, alongside guidance on projects that we might accept but that might skirt closely the line of being rejected.

1) Gambling and Betting

We do not engage in the development of apps, websites, or other digital solutions that facilitate betting or gambling activities. This includes online casinos, sports betting, and other wagering platforms.

Edge-case considerations:

This policy against gambling and better can extend to raffle projects, but not always. Our stance on this depends on the specific premise of the application. Ultimately, we do not want to contribute to the slot-machine psychology that causes vulnerable people to spend money outside their means.

2) Tobacco and Vaping Products

We will not participate in projects that promote the use of tobacco or vaping products. This policy covers the development of platforms that sell, market, or advertise cigarettes, e-cigarettes, vape pens, and related products. This is because we do not want to contribute to market forces that could see an increase in products being brought to market that cause addiction or adverse health effects. We recognise that vaping products are considered a safer alternative to smoking tobacco. However, we are concerned that these products can be marketed with exotic colours and flavours that sometimes inadvertently appeal to children. Therefore, that isn't something we want to support.

Edge-case considerations:

This policy does not exclude indirect technologies that do not directly contribute to the production and sale of tobacco products. For example, we would have no problem working on a project for tractors and agriculture, where the tobacco industry might then use that product to manufacture their goods or services. We would also have no problem making an app to control Hydroponics systems used for growing vegetables, even if those could be repurposed for use in growing tobacco.

3) Illicit Drugs and Substances

Our services will not be extended to projects that involve the sale or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances. This includes, but is not limited to, platforms that facilitate the trade of narcotics, steroids, and other drugs not prescribed by a healthcare provider.

Edge-case considerations: 

This policy does not exclude legal projects, such as supporting tablet manufacture or the legal use of prescribed medications. If there is a legal clinical use case, then the project is unlikely to be excluded. However, you may require an independent clinical risk assessment before the release of any projects to meet certain legal requirements in the territories in which you operate.

4) Explicit Adult Content

We avoid projects that involve the creation or distribution of certain kinds of explicit adult content. This includes websites and apps for adult entertainment that may not align with our ethical standards.

Edge-case considerations: 

Our policy on adult content is to prevent inadvertently supporting activities with the apps we build that could be used to exploit people. For example, we would have no issue creating a movie streaming service that distributed non-pornographic movies that were aimed at an audience of adults or a social media app where consenting adults might consensually upload slightly revealing non-pornographic pictures of themselves responsibly in line with local laws. 

5) Weapons and Ammunition:

We do not develop technology that supports the sale or distribution of weapons and ammunition. This includes e-commerce platforms, mobile apps, or any digital tool meant for the trading or collecting of firearms and other weaponry. This includes developing technology specifically for military use or defence contracting.

Edge-case considerations:

This policy does not prohibit our creation of resources for the indirect purposes of national defence, such as providing training materials for the maintenance of jet engines or energy infrastructure.

6) Unethical Data Use and Surveillance:

Projects that involve the unethical collection, use, or sale of user data or that promote surveillance activities without clear legal compliance and transparency are also excluded from our portfolio.

Edge-case considerations: 

This does not exclude projects that collect data for valid, legitimate reasons in compliance with local data protection laws. It also wouldn't prohibit consensual surveillance, such as providing cloud home CCTV systems for home security purposes.

7) Human Rights or Free Speech Violations

Avoid projects that could be linked to human rights abuses, such as those involving child labor, exploitation of workers, or the support of regimes known for human rights violations.

We do not support projects that involve developing tools, platforms, or technologies intended to suppress free speech. This includes software that censors legitimate expression, surveils users without appropriate legal oversight, or manipulates information to restrict access to multiple viewpoints. Scorchsoft is committed to upholding the principle of free expression, ensuring that our technologies foster open and fair communication without enabling the silencing of diverse voices.

8) Speculative and High-Risk Financial Services

This can include cryptocurrency platforms known for speculative trading without robust financial oversight or financial services with a high risk of fraud or financial harm to users.

Edge-case considerations:

This policy does not exclude all crypto projects, just projects that facilitate high-risk financial services and speculation. We recognise that many crypto and blockchain use cases do not fall into this category, such as taking online payments for goods or services or storing information on a distributed ledger. 

9) Environmental Harm

Projects that significantly harm the environment, such as those contributing to deforestation, endangered species trafficking, or illegal waste dumping. This could also include projects that excessively contribute to carbon emissions without efforts toward mitigation.

Edge-case considerations:

We understand that "environmental harm" could be broadly interpreted; therefore, this policy is not intended to prohibit projects supporting services for companies that use or produce fossil fuels. We support the move towards renewable energy but recognise a blended strategy may be required to get us there. The objective of this exclusion is to avoid projects which are morally or ethically wrong.


By adhering to this policy, Scorchsoft ensures that our technological expertise fosters positive impacts while aligning with the ethical expectations of our clients and the broader community. We continuously evaluate our engagements to ensure they meet our moral standards and reserve the right to decline projects that do not align with these guidelines.

In some cases, Scorchsoft may be approached to undertake a project that aligns with our Ethical Projects Policy but contradicts our team members' personal morals, religious beliefs, or values. Under these circumstances, we consult with our team to ensure we are not unfairly compelling anyone to compromise their beliefs. Consequently, we may accept such projects but will assign only willing team members. Additionally, if a project falls into a category protected by our insurance or banking providers, we must consult with these institutions to determine our ability to proceed.

If you would like our support with a project and you are unsure if we should take it on or not, then please contact us, and our team will be happy to advise.