Deliver HTML5 eLearning
To support a wide range of devices (including iPad and Android Tablets) the learning management system we built for MJR Morgan delivers eLearning courses to any modern device that has a web browser. As long as courses can be published in a SCORM compliant HTML5 format then they can be uploaded into their system.
Streamlined allocation of courses to users
Users are able to log in and only see the courses that are allocated to them. Course owners can allocate a course at the click of a button, when this happens the user is sent an automated email. Whether a user has completed the course or not is trackable to allow course administrators to see uptake levels.
Automatic certificate creation
Before we set up the LMS for MJR Morgan their administration staff had to manually create certificates every time a learner completed a course. To reduce administration time we built their LMS to automatically generate and email these certificates. Course administrators can see and administer certificates which are also electronically verifiable via the use of QR codes.

Hierachical management of departments and learners
As educational institutions can often have many levels of department structures and team ownership the system has been built to accommodate for this. Course and application permissions are inherited as you move down the levels and any features that are added into the system can be allocated to users based on their permission level and membership to a particular department.

Cost effective
With most pay-per-month LMS costing around £1 per-learner per-month developing their own LMS is also an investment towards saving long term costs. We have enabled MJR Morgan to reduce their cost of sale dramatically as their business grows. Even with only a few hundered users on the system the LMS pays for itself within one year in costs saved compared with using other pay-montly platforms.